
Curcumin and osteoarthritis

Curcumin improves pain and stiffness associated with knee osteoarthritis - results of an umbrella meta-analysis

Prebiotics and cognition in the elderly

A prebiotic fibre supplement improves cognition in elderly individuals - results of a randomised, controlled trial

Omega-3 fatty acids and autoimmune disease incidence

Omega-3 fatty acid supplementation reduces the incidence of autoimmune disease - results of the VITAL follow-up study

Cinnamon and diabetes risk

Cinnamon may reduce the risk of diabetes in overweight individuals - results of a randomised, placebo controlled trial

MSM for Mild Knee Pain

MSM improves both knee and systemic health conditions in healthy participants - results of a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial

Nut consumption and fertility

Nut consumption improves fertility parameters in males - results of a systematic review and meta-analysis

ACNEM 'Integrative Approaches to PCOS and Endometriosis'

Join us for a transformative one-day event focused on the latest research and integrative approaches ...

 Interactions Database demonstration

IMgateway Partners

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  • ANTA and UnityHealth look forward to working closely together to continue to bring practitioners the latest information and up to date resources.

    Jim Olds (ANTA Executive Officer)
  • IMgateway was recommended to us as the most useful and practical website to general practitioners by Professor Marc Cohen.

    Dr Maria Lombardo (South West Regional Training Group Coordinator)
  • It makes good sense, that clinical staff should have access to a resource like IMgateway which provides them readily with the authoritative and evidence-based information they need on complementary medicines, their uses and effects and their known interactions ...

    Dr Allen Yuen (Past Director of Emergency Medicine)
  • Given the high use of Complementary Medicine (CM) in Australia and the progressive integration of CM with conventional medicine, medical, nursing and allied health staff need access to evidence-based information to assist ...

    Bernadette Sinclair (Nurse Manager, Quality Support Unit Prince Charles Hospital)